
Handformed Clay Graphite Crucibles
- with high flux resistance
- excellence mechanical strength
- good shock resistance and oxidation resistance

Syncarb (High Pressure-Isostatically pressed clay-graphite Crucibles)
- outstanding thermal conductivity, high strength
- outstanding resistance against oxidation and fluxes
- high shock resistance

Stabil (Carbon-bonded silicon carbide crucibles)
- high mechanical strength and shock resistance
- good thermal conductivity and oxidation resistance


Rohre / Tubes

Nolti-Lift slips on any size crucible up to 55 mm wall thickness instantly. Nolti-Lift I will lift crucibles up to 300 kg quickly, gently, and safely, Nolti-Lift II for those up to 205 kg.
Zubehor Accessories
of clay-graphite, acc. to opposite picture and in special versions

For more information, please visit Noltina web site at

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All rights reserved.